David Bowie

DavidBowie《Heroes》.I,Iwillbeking我,我是國王。Andyou,youwillbequeen而你,你是我的女王。Thoughnothingwilldrivethemaway,'Heroes'concernstwolovers,onefromEastBerlinandtheotherfromtheWest.Underconstantfearofdeath,theydreamtheyarefree,swimmingwith ....。參考影片的文章的如下:


David Bowie《Heroes》中文歌詞翻譯

David Bowie《Heroes》. I, I will be king 我,我是國王。 And you, you will be queen 而你,你是我的女王。 Though nothing will drive them away

Heroes (David Bowie song)

'Heroes' concerns two lovers, one from East Berlin and the other from the West. Under constant fear of death, they dream they are free, swimming with ... Composition · Promotion and release · Retrospective appraisal · Charts

Heroes (album)

Heroes is the twelfth studio album by the English musician David Bowie, released on 14 October 1977 through RCA Records. Heroes (David Bowie song) · David Bowie Narrates... · V-2 Schneider · Neuköln

David Bowie - Heroes (Live Aid, 1985)

David Bowie - Heroes (Live Aid, 1985) · Comments8K.

David Bowie - Heroes

In this iconic live recording, David Bowie delivers a mesmerizing performance of Heroes during his 2002 concert tour, aptly named The David ... Heroes (live) · Heroes (Live Aid, 1985) · Open App

David Bowie - Heroes (Official Video)

The official music video for David Bowie - Heroes Taken from Bowie's 'Heroes ... 113K views · Love #davidbowie #kiss #boy. 8.9K views · David ...

Heroes (2017 Remaster)

Provided to YouTube by Parlophone UK Heroes (2017 Remaster) · David Bowie Heroes ℗ 1977, 2017 Jones/Tintoretto Entertainment Company LLC ...

David Bowie - Heroes (A Reality Tour)

Heroes by David Bowie from A Reality Tour Listen to David Bowie: https://DavidBowie.lnk.to/listenYD Watch more David Bowie videos: ...


DavidBowie《Heroes》.I,Iwillbeking我,我是國王。Andyou,youwillbequeen而你,你是我的女王。Thoughnothingwilldrivethemaway,'Heroes'concernstwolovers,onefromEastBerlinandtheotherfromtheWest.Underconstantfearofdeath,theydreamtheyarefree,swimmingwith ...Composition·Promotionandrelease·Retrospectiveappraisal·Charts,HeroesisthetwelfthstudioalbumbytheEnglishmusicianDavidBowie,releasedon14October1977thr...